Kerala State Lottery, a pioneering initiative by the Kerala State Lotteries Department, has been a popular pastime for people in the Indian state of Kerala since its inception in 1967. This lottery scheme offers a range of daily, weekly, seasonal, and special occasion lotteries, providing an opportunity for players to hit the jackpot by purchasing tickets at an affordable price.
Fifty Fifty Lottery Result Today FF-41
Sr.No | Ticket Results | (₹) |
1st | SR 570994 (KOTTAYAM) | 75 Lakh |
Cons. Prize | SN 570994, SO 570994, SP 570994, SS 570994, ST 570994, SU 570994, SV 570994, SW 570994, SX 570994, SY 570994, SZ 570994 | 8,000/- |
2nd | SX 684139 (KASARAGOD) | 10 Lakh |
3rd | Ending With: 0051, 0454, 1212, 1487, 1810, 3507, 4234, 4455, 4928, 5033, 5067, 5627, 5861, 5925, 6580, 6664, 6695, 7684 | 5,000/- |
4th | Ending With: 0549, 2632, 3252, 3397, 3821, 4905, 5717, 5972, 7713, 9937 | 2,000/- |
5th | Ending With: 0034, 0885, 2670, 3987, 4100, 4349, 5818, 5942, 5962, 6101, 6622, 7147, 7455, 7593, 7765, 8677, 9018, 9167, 9238, 9829 | 1,000/- |
6th | Ending With: 0109, 0322, 0570, 0723, 0797, 1002, 1011, 1240, 1288, 1339, 1353, 1443, 2039, 2133, 2244, 2541, 3267, 3440, 3588, 3590, 3592, 3616, 3807, 4376, 5190, 5448, 5546, 5611, 5692, 5766, 5777, 6415, 6821, 6879, 6927, 7136, 7178, 7506, 7753, 7856, 7873, 8201, 8460, 8751, 9028, 9122, 9126, 9183, 9256, 9729, 9756, 9827 | 500/- |
7th | Ending With: 0412, 0642, 0888, 0899, 0960, 1031, 1228, 1241, 2016, 2233, 2279, 2403, 2583, 2696, 3190, 3259, 3270, 3443, 3549, 3975, 4461, 4534, 4782, 5337, 6012, 6138, 6592, 6620, 6694, 7036, 7161, 7230, 7231, 7274, 7629, 7656, 7962, 8324, 8539, 8927, 9162, 9457, 9474, 9834, 9912 | 200/- |
8th | Ending With: 0073, 0087, 0090, 0134, 0222, 0254, 0311, 0339, 0410, 0531, 0702, 0709, 0729, 0754, 0901, 1004, 1006, 1198, 1326, 1400, 1544, 1605, 1670, 1680, 1798, 1908, 2031, 2083, 2148, 2159, 2165, 2261, 2435, 2525, 2575, 2751, 2808, 2849, 3082, 3315, 3374, 3395, 3452, 3472, 3531, 3543, 3602, 3604, 3770, 3899, 3935, 4184, 4619, 4664, 4769, 4963, 5110, 5137, 5246, 5386, 5483, 5531, 5562, 5584, 5651, 5800, 5883, 5954, 5960, 5966, 6173, 6272, 6279, 6428, 6539, 6603, 6884, 6918, 6946, 7048, 7052, 7190, 7400, 7497, 7682, 7757, 7768, 7853, 7905, 8032, 8038, 8083, 8112, 8131, 8185, 8193, 8314, 8332, 8348, 8421, 8434, 8469, 8475, 8558, 8642, 8833, 8841, 8848, 8947, 8953, 8958, 8974, 9006, 9130, 9143, 9233, 9361, 9364, 9405, 9506, 9592, 9634, 9719, 9720, 9822, 9863 | 100/- |
Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result
The ticket prices for Kerala lottery result today vary from 20 Indian Rupees to 200 Indian Rupees, with the potential to win prizes ranging from a few thousand Rupees to several crores of Rupees. The winners are announced through live telecasts, newspapers, and the official website of Kerala State Lotteries, making the lottery drawing a highly anticipated event for players.
It’s important to note that the prizes and ticket prices may vary for each scheme, and players should check the official website of Kerala State Lotteries for the latest information on each scheme.
Date | DRAW |
14-03-2023 | STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-356) |
13-03-2023 | WIN-WIN(W-710) |
12-03-2023 | AKSHAYA(AK-591) |
11-03-2023 | KARUNYA(KR-592) |
10-03-2023 | NIRMAL(NR-319) |
09-03-2023 | KARUNYA PLUS(KN-460) |
08-03-2023 | FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-40) |
07-03-2023 | STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-355) |
06-03-2023 | WIN-WIN(W-709) |
05-03-2023 | AKSHAYA(AK-590) |
04-03-2023 | KARUNYA(KR-591) |
03-03-2023 | NIRMAL(NR-318) |
02-03-2023 | KARUNYA PLUS(KN-459) |
01-03-2023 | FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-39) |
28-02-2023 | STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-354) |
27-02-2023 | WIN-WIN(W-708) |
26-02-2023 | AKSHAYA(AK-589) |
25-02-2023 | KARUNYA(KR-590) |
24-02-2023 | NIRMAL(NR-317) |
Kerala Lottery Result
Days | ₹ | Lotteries |
Monday | 50-65 Lakhs | WIN-WIN |
Tuesday | 50-65 Lakhs | STHREE SAKTHI |
Wednesday | 50-65 Lakhs | Fifty Fifty |
Thursday | 80 Lakhs – 1 Crore | KARUNYA PLUS |
Friday | 50-65 Lakhs | Nirmal |
Saturday | 80 Lakhs – 1 Crore | Karunya |
Sunday | 80 Lakhs | Akshaya |
Kerala Weekly
Kerala Bumper Lotteries are special lottery schemes offered by the Kerala lottery result today Department on festive occasions and special events such as Christmas, New Year, Onam, and Vishu. These lotteries are known as “Bumper Lotteries” because they offer bumper prizes, which are much larger than the regular lottery prizes.
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